50 EUR fluege.de kupons par 10 EUR = 40 EUR atlaide lidojumiem

1 atbilde [Pēdējā ziņa]
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Kopš: 29/10/2008
Ziņas: 20445
Manīts: pirms 25 ned
Kur: RIX

Kupons nopērkams te: http://www.ab-in-den-urlaub-deals.de/deal/41620/50-eur-gutscheine-f-r-fl...

Neizpētīju gan, vai fluege neuzliek milzu uzcenojumus kredītkartēm, jeb varbūt kādi citi zemūdens akmeņi.

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Kopš: 26/05/2010
Ziņas: 799
Manīts: pirms 2 d

Diemžēl nederēs, jo šie sola atmaksāt 50 Eur klienta Vācu bankas kontā:

 Voucher is valid for the period 11/04/2014 to 30/04/2015 (last posting)
Voucher is valid for all offered online and bookable on www.fluege.de flights except Charter Flights
Reservations must be made exclusively directly on fluege.de
• Minimum travel price. 100 euros incl taxes (excluding additional services such as Cleverfly transfer protection.)
The redemption of the voucher must be "Your coupon code" immediately when booking by phone or online in Comment field below
The 50 euro voucher value will be credited to your German bank account 28 days after commencement of the outward flight
A cash payment is not possible
• No crediting the amount to cancellation fees
Per booking is only one voucher redeemable
Can not be combined with other vouchers, subsidies or discounts