Marriot International punktu loterija

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Kopš: 31/10/2008
Ziņas: 2776
Manīts: pirms 6 gadi
Kur: Carved From Tides – Ceؤ¼akؤپja

jabut marriott rewards programmas dalibniekam (it ka ari USA rezidentam)

uzspied Like pec tam Enter

iespeja uzreiz vinet 1,000 points instantly

un 1,000,000 Marriott Rewards points akcijas beigas.

var meginat 1 reizi diena


One Grand Prize(1,000,000 pts), Five First Prizes (100,000 pts), Fifty Second Prizes (10,000 pts) 3,720
Instant Win Prizes(1000 pts, five per hour) will be awarded.

Open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States (including the District of Columbia) and Canada (excluding Quebec) Smile

Limit: one(1) entry per person/email address per day for a total of thirty-one (31) Sweepstakes entries into the Grand, First and Second Prize random drawing per person, per email address throughout the Promotion Period. Limit: one (1) game play per person/email address per day for a maximum total of thirty-one (31) Instant Win Prize
game plays per person, per email address throughout the Promotion Period.

Three-thousand seven-hundred and twenty (3,720) computer generated winning times will be randomly generated throughout the Promotion Period to award up to three-thousand seven-hundred and twenty (3,720) daily Instant Win Prizes.

Five (5) Instant Win Prizes will be awarded each hour of each day throughout the Promotion Period. Instant Win Prizes will be automatically deposited into Instant Win Prize winners’ Marriott Rewards® accounts within one (1) week of Instant Win Prize notification.